SyBBURE student, Amelia Taylor, named a GoldWater scholar for 2020

Junior, Amelia Taylor, received the prestigious Goldwater scholarship in 2020 for her research on better understanding the link between diet and Alzheimer’s disease through quantitative metabolomics. She says that she is currently studying the changes that occur in amino acid metabolism in a mouse model of familial Alzheimer’s disease and obesity/diabetes. Amelia is currently double majoring in chemistry and philosophy and hopes to pursue a doctorate in chemistry. She has been a part of the SyBBURE Searle Research Program since her freshman year. Read more about the three Goldwater scholars at Vanderbilt, including Amelia here.

Amelia- Goldwater scholarship.PNG

Amelia Taylor awarded the EAS Student Research Award


SyBBURE alumnus Kevin Cyr commented on an NBC news article on crowd sourcing and 3D printing equipment to combat COVID-19